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ETF Supplemental Funding Process

The Application Process Overview

DASA Technology administers the Education and Technology Fee (ETF) funding on behalf of DASA. Each year, ETF funds are used to support classrooms and technology labs within our division, including the regular refresh of technology, software licensing, and ongoing contracted support necessary to ensure these spaces remain operational. In some years, there will be a surplus of ETF funding left over once these core operational expenses have been covered. A semi-annual process to apply for and receive supplemental funding will ensure that academic units can receive one-time funding for special projects that help support students within our division.

Due to a $42,500 cut to DASA’s ETF allocation, there will be no Supplemental ETF procedure in FY24; here are the prior dates so you can prepare if funding is restored in the future:

Program AnnouncementDecember 14, 2021
Application Window OpensDecember 14, 2021
Application Window ClosesJanuary 31, 2022
Evaluation team convenesFebruary 4, 2022
Decision Notifications sentFebruary 7 – 11, 2022
Preferred Project Purchase DeadlineFebruary 28, 2022
Absolute Project Purchase Deadline
** With the potential to experience year-end receiving issues.
April 1, 2022

Eligibility Requirements

While anyone in DASA is eligible to submit a proposal for ETF supplemental funding, each proposal must meet the following criteria:

  • The proposal cannot request funding to supplant existing funds already spent on the proposed project.
  • The proposal cannot include a request or expectation of multi-year ETF funding.
  • The proposal must meet the university’s acceptable ETF funding requirements:
    • Classroom technology
    • Student computing labs and facilities
    • WiFi and network connectivity that directly supports student learning and access
    • Software tied to the educational process that students directly use
    • Educational materials and supplies
    • Laboratory expenses, including equipment and specialized software that students in their courses use
    • Field trips and other experiential learning opportunities
    • Services that support student learning at the Departmental, College, or University level, e.g., Disability Resources, tutorials, academic coaching, accessibility, IT support, and other academic enrichment programs directly tied to students’ academic success.
  • Proposals must be submitted on time and with all required supporting documentation, including:
    • IT Purchase Compliance – proof of initial review submission to the Office of Information Technology (OIT).
    • Quotes for any facility construction or modification along with a timeline will ensure project completion within the current fiscal year.
    • Quotes for equipment or materials and a projected timeline ensuring order delivery within the current fiscal year.

Scoring Rubric

of Proposal
Required documentation missingCost estimates were too vague, or the timeline was uncertainThe proposal met all requirements sufficient for effective evaluation.
Student Focus
of Proposal
Unclear about the scope of students impacted or how it would positively affect students. Details provided about student impact, but unclear about how the proposal meets the programmatic goals of the submitting group.Details and a clear demonstration of potential risks if the proposal is unfunded are provided.
University ETF Requirements met
by Proposal
Does not meet the requirements.N/AMeets requirements.
DASA ETF Requirements
of Proposal
Does not meet the requirements.N/AMeets requirements.
of Proposal
Significant threats exist to the effective completion of the proposal within the current fiscal year.Some threats exist that the proposal cannot be completed within the current fiscal year.The proposal will almost certainly be completed within the current fiscal year.
Relative Need
of Proposal
Compared to others submitted this year, the proposal did not present a need that exceeded other proposals.Compared to others submitted this year, the proposal presented a similar level of need.Compared to others submitted this year, the proposal exceeded the needs of most other applications.
Technical feasibility
of Proposal
The proposal, as written, would be unsupportable within the current context of resources available.The proposal, as written, would require some modification of existing support but remains within existing support resources.The proposal, as written, would require no modification of existing support and remains within existing support resources.