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Training Opportunities

Training and Workshops are open to all DASA Staff

To register, log into “Reporter” and search the keyword “DASA-FIN”. Most trainings are virtual or in-person format, typically take 1.5 hours each, and are an excellent way to either learn new, or refresh, knowledge on a topic.

We recommend taking the following training in sequence:

  • DASA Finance 101 (August or February)
  • Wolfpack Reporting System Overview (September or March)
  • Monthly Financial Reconciliation (October or April)

DASA Business Training Series

This training series is designed for any staff member with business support responsibilities within the division. The certificate tracks the completion of DASA Finance training to keep you on track with our recommended coursework to increase, or refresh, your knowledge of business practices across the university and our division.

Required courses: DASA Finance 101, Wolfpack Reporting System Overview, Monthly Reconciliation, Travel, How to Enter a TA, Purchasing 101, and Marketplace Training.

Optional electives: Student Payroll Workshop, Auxiliary Budget Planning, Trust Funds, and Approved Rates and Charges.

DASA Finance 101 (DASA-FIN-3)

August and February

For all DASA employees, especially those new to DASA. This workshop is an overview of all things financial and will include a brief look at purchasing, spending guidelines, contract review, purchase cards, and more.

Wolfpack Reporting System Overview (DASA-FIN-7)

September and March

This course will cover how to utilize Wolfpack Reporting System (WRS) to run reports to view daily account status, transaction information, budget balances, cash balances, and more. 

Monthly Financial Reconciliation Training (DASA-FIN-10)

October and April

For all DASA employees who are reconcilers or persons responsible for the monthly financial reconciliation process.

Student Payroll (DASA-FIN)

July and November

For all DASA employees who hire and supervise student workers. The hiring process is reviewed as well as approving time. The class is offered several times during the summer in preparation for the fall student hiring.

Travel Training (DASA-FIN-2)

August, October, and February

For all DASA employees who travel. You will learn how to complete a Travel Authorization and Travel Reimbursement and what the Finance Office is looking for when they review.

Travel: How to Enter a Travel Authorization (DASA-FIN-01)

A quick 10-minute video on how to get started with travel.

Trust Funds and Approved Rates and Charges (DASA-FIN-11)

This training course will provide an overview of trust funds and approved rates and charges for the Division of Academic and Student Affairs (DASA). 

Auxiliary Budget Planning (DASA-FIN-8 or DASA-FIN-9)

December and January

For all DASA employees who are new to the planning process or who seek additional training. Budget terms, timelines, planning assumptions and more will be covered. This class is offered prior to the budget process starting each fiscal year.


Would you like customized training in your office? A DASA Finance team member can work with staff one-on-one or we can come to a department meeting to train, review, or just answer questions. Please let us know how we can help.

Other University Training Resources