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Uploading & Matching Receipts

The Purchase Card holder is responsible for uploading their receipts, along with all applicable information, to the card center within a day or two of purchase.  They will then need to wait until the charge has posted and “match” the receipt to the charge.  Note that the reconciler needs the receipt uploaded and all information entered for the charge before they reconcile the charge to the correct project and account number.

To upload a receipt:

  • If you have a paper receipt – use the WolfCopier to scan it to your email, then save the document as a PDF or jpeg to the folder of your choosing.  Note: you will need to keep these scanned copies for six months so plan accordingly when you are setting up the folder for holding these receipt copies.
  • If the receipt was sent to you electronically save it to your folder.
  • Log into MyPack Portal and navigate to the Pcard Center.  Main Menu>Financial Systems>Procurement>NCSU Card Center>Pcard Center.
  • Click on the down arrow in the “Select Action” box and choose “Pcard Receipts”
  • Go to the “Upload New Receipts” section, enter the Merchant name, Amount, choose a TA from the drop down box if applicable, choose a business purpose from the drop down box, enter details of the purchase that will help your reconciler choose the correct project and account to reconcile the charge to in the comments box and then “Upload” the receipt.
  • Once you have uploaded the receipt it will move to the “Unmatched Receipts” section.
  • When the charge posts (usually takes two to seven days) you will click on the “Match” button next to the charge and you will be able to choose the receipt(s) that match up to that charge.
  • Once you have matched the receipt to that charge both the receipt and the charge will move down to the “Matched Receipts for Unsubmitted Statements” section of your screen.
  • Receipts and Charges should be matched up within two days of the charge posting in the system.

Meals: If your Purchase Card is approved for “Meals” and you use it in a restaurant you will need to upload two receipts – an itemized receipt that includes what food selections & beverages were served as well as the receipt that shows how much tip was given. Remember the “Meals” option is not intended for use for personal meals while in travel status.

Credits: When uploading a credit receipt be sure to include the CPS# from the original charge.

Missing Receipts:  The cardholder must make every reasonable effort to get a receipt from the vendor.  If that is not possible, the missing receipt form should be used.  This form will only be allowed as a rare circumstance.  It must be filled out completely and signed by the card holder and the supervisor.

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