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Cardholder Leaving University/Department

When notified that a cardholder is leaving the university or department, the reconciler should communicate the following:

  • Request the cardholder stop purchasing at least one week before departure so there is time for charges to post and receipts uploaded and matched.
  • Follow up with the cardholder on any needed documentation or receipts for existing charges.
  • If available, route and have the cardholder approve the statement before they depart. If the cardholder is no longer employed when the statement cycle ends, the reconciler should review and route the statement and then notify DASA Finance that a proxy for the cardholder needs to be assigned. The proxy is typically the cardholder’s supervisor.

Once the reconciler has confirmed there are no additional charges pending, or on the last day of employment, the reconciler should:

  • Enter an inactivation request via the MyPack Portal Card Center.
  • Ensure the card is destroyed.