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What to do when a voucher is denied

When you receive an email that a voucher has been denied, you can access that voucher by clicking on the link in the email

Access the approval page to view details about this voucher….

Once the voucher opens, scroll to the bottom of the page to see the comments, find out why the voucher was denied and what action needs to be taken.  Then follow these instructions to make the correction and resubmit the voucher for approval.

You can also see if you have any denied vouchers that need action by following these steps:

Log into MyPack Portal > Financial Systems Homepage > Voucher Center > My Vouchers by Status. You will see at the top of the page any vouchers that are currently in the “Denied” status and that require action.

If you no longer wish for the denied voucher to be processed (perhaps you decided to pay with a purchase card instead) you will need to close the voucher. In the Voucher Center click on the voucher number of the denied voucher. This will take you to the voucher. Go to the bottom of the page and open the drop-down menu next to “View Related”. Depending on whether the voucher has posted yet or not you will either have the option “Voucher Delete” or “Voucher Close”. Choose whichever option you see and proceed accordingly.

If the voucher that was denied has a duplicate invoice number you will need to change the invoice number in order to have the voucher re-post and then it can be closed. Add “Dup” or “Duplicate” after the invoice number and “save”. You will be asked if you want to the invoice to be reposted. Click “yes”. You will then need to wait for it to repost overnight and then you can go in the following morning and close the voucher.