Completing a Travel Reimbursement
Upon returning from a trip you will need to complete a Travel Reimbursement (TR) if you need to be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses. The TR will need to be completed within 30 days of the last day of your trip. If you are processing your TR more than 30 days after the last day of the trip you will need to include a “Late entry” explanation in the comments section or the TR will be denied.
NOTE: Prior to processing your reimbursement you will need to upload and match your Pcard receipts and choose the TA# so that they “pull in” to your TR and you won’t need to enter each one.
To process your Travel Reimbursement you will need to log into MyPack Portal and follow this navigation:
Main Menu > Financial Systems > Travel > Travel Center.
Once you are on your “Travel Center” homepage go to the “Recent Requests” section and click the “Create Reimbursement” button for the trip you are requesting reimbursement.
NOTE: If you do not have an approved Travel Authorization for the trip you will not be able to request a Travel Reimbursement unless your reimbursement request is for mileage only for a day trip. No other reimbursements can be claimed without an approved Travel Authorization.
The information from the Travel Authorization including the trip dates, purpose and destination will pull in automatically. You will need to enter the actual travel “Begin” and “End” times.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the check box next to “Show Accounting Information and Pre-paid Expenses”. All your Purchase Card expenses that you have uploaded, matched and noted the TA number on should be listed here. The amounts should also be noted in the “University Paid” column in Section 2.
Enter your out-of-pocket expenses in the “Reimburse Me” columns in Section 2. There are more options in each section (Transportation, Lodging and Conference Fees & Meals) than are showing on the screen. Click on the triangle on the right side of each description box for more options. You can also check the box next to “Other Expenses” to get a listing of more options.
If you are requesting a mileage reimbursement you will click on the “calculator” icon next to the “Reimburse Me” box and you will be able to enter the total number of round trip miles. If you are requesting a mileage reimbursement be sure to note the address of your destination in the “Comments” box as the round trip mileage will need to be confirmed prior to final approval. It is assumed all mileage requests have a starting location of the University. If you are requesting mileage from your home (and the round trip mileage must be less than if you requested from the University) be sure to also note that in the “Comments” section.
NOTE: The Travel Office will check the miles from NC State to your destination city. Therefore, if you are requesting more miles than the basic round trip you should note the reason why in the “comments” section. Example – a conference location is 20 miles from the hotel where you are staying and you have to drive back and forth on the two days of the conference. This will mean your mileage will be 80 miles more than just a basic round trip from city to city. You will want to note the additional driving you had to do and the reason why in the comments section.
Meals will automatically calculate the per Diem amount based on your trip start date/time and end date/time. You can click on the “calculator” icon and remove any meals that were included in the event you are attending by checking the “exclude” box. For instance, if you attended a conference and the registration fee included your lunch, you will need to check the box next to “lunch” for that day so you do not receive the per Diem for that meal. If you are requesting per Diem for any meals you will need to download a copy of the conference agenda so that the travel office can confirm that meals were not included for any that you are requesting per Diem for.
Once you have entered your out-of-pocket expenses and you have confirmed that your expense paid on your purchase card have all “pulled” in review Section 2 and add comments to any line that you think the Travel Office might question. Better to have too many notes than not enough.
You will then need to download your receipts, conference agenda, and any other documentation that is required. Confirm that the project these charges are going to is correct and then check the box in the red section certifying the expenses you have listed. Then you can “Save” and “Submit for Approval”.
You can start processing your Travel Reimbursement and save it and then go back and finish it and submit it later.
The request will then go to the Business Office for review and approval and once approved will be forwarded to your supervisor for approval and then to the Travel Center for their review and approval.
Be careful when completing and be sure to include all back up and explanations. This will help ensure speedy approval.
Travel Center User’s Guide (University Controller’s Office)