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Websites and Apps

NC State Go Links and QR Codes

Go Links is the only link shortener branded for NC State. Any person with a Unity ID can use the Go Links system to generate shortened trackable links and QR codes for sharing. Please note, only faculty and staff may create custom links. Visit the help section to learn more about this service.

Benefits of Go Links:

  • Shortened URLs help provide quick and easily remembered links to content that have higher click through rates.
  • Go Link URLs will remain the same (for example, when used in print marketing) while the target URL can be updated.
  • Go Links generate QR codes that can be used in print marketing and digital billboards.
  • Basic hit count information for Go Links, as well as hit counts for any modifiers used, are tracked by the Go Links service and available in your Link Details. More specific analytics are available using the “View Statistics” button in your Link Details.

Please share access to any Go Links you create with

NC State Guides App

The NC State Guides App is a branded smartphone and tablet application available through the Apple AppStore or GooglePlay. There are a variety of “guides” within the app for various colleges, departments and events on campus at NC State. Interested in creating a guide for your department or event? Review resources here.

On Campus

On Campus is your guide to life on campus at NC State University. On Campus has been designed to meet the needs of current and prospective students, faculty, staff and visitors.


On-brand websites help you achieve your goals and play a part in the overall reputation of the university. Explore the linked resources below to expand your WordPress knowledge.

Experiencing a website outage, block issue or other difficulties? Submit a website service request.