Executive Officer Request
Please take a moment to review the mandatory information needed before requesting an executive officer’s attendance at an event or function.
Required Information
- Name of event
- Date, start and end time
- Number of guests to be invited and expected to attend
- Make up of guests (e.g. students, parents, faculty/staff, alumni, external, dignitaries, minors)
- Location
- Attire (e.g. business formal, business casual)
- Event format (e.g. breakfast, presentation, seminar)
- Goals and outcomes of the event
- Funding source (e.g. unit, external, fee)
- If it is considered an Advancement (fundraising) event
- Will the chancellor’s name be used in printed materials
- Will the chancellor be noted as host or co-host
- Attendance of any other dignitaries
- Are you requesting use of The Pointe
- Tentative outline for the event – this will be a file upload and is required. We recommend you spend some time on this before starting the form.
- Type of remarks (e.g. welcome remarks, major speech)
- Contact person for remarks
- Approval from DASA SLT member to submit the request