In order to comply with data security and legal licensing requirements, all software requests must be reviewed and approved by OIT via either Clickwrap Approval or IT Purchase Compliance.
What is Clickwrap?
Software clickwrap agreements require a user to click “I agree” or “I accept” before the software can be downloaded or installed. Clickwrap agreements are legal and binding contracts and therefore are subject to University contracting policy. Under this policy, these agreements may only be entered into by someone who has the authority to enter into a contract binding the University. For more information about clickwraps, please see OIT’s article here: About Clickwraps.
If you encounter a clickwrap agreement for any new software, please submit a ticket to and we will work with you to complete the process and install your required software.
What is IT Purchase Compliance?
The IT Purchase Compliance (ITPC) review is required for all IT purchases of $5,000 or more and all purchases that involve purple data, HIPAA, PCI, or that are subject to Export Control Regulations, regardless of costs. IT purchases must be reviewed BEFORE the purchase to ensure the IT purchase complies with University standards and follows Federal and State guidelines. To accomplish this, IT Purchase Compliance will include reviews of the following if determined necessary:
- Data Security
- IT Accessibility
- PCI Compliance
- Email Communication
- Integration with Enterprise Systems
- Vendor Screening
Only after the requested IT purchase has been reviewed and approved by OIT will the Purchasing Department process the requisition or execute an agreement with a vendor. For more information, you may refer to OIT’s article here: About IT Purchase Compliance.