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  3. What is the DEAN form?

What is the DEAN form?

The DEAN form is the DASA Employee Action Notification google form that kicks off all onboarding and offboarding employee actions. Only sensitive separations are handled directly through Human Resources. All other hiring, transfer, retirement, or resignation actions must be directed through the DEAN Form process.

The DEAN form process is:

  1. Department notifies HR of a new hire / transfer / resignation / retirement for an employee.
  2. HR processes the university and DASA requirements for the impacted employee.
  3. The HR Partner submits the DEAN Process Kickoff Form, which will automatically generate a ticket to DASA Technology with the information about the employee and the action.
  4. DASA Tech initiates a workflow that requests more information directly from the identified supervisor (or departmental designee provided by the department to their HR Partner).
  5. The supervisor (or designee) completes an online form that they receive in their email inbox.
    1. NOTE: If this form is not completed, it will follow-up every two days until the form has been completed!
  6. A playbook for the appropriate action is created and shared with both the DASA Tech Service Desk and the supervisor (or designee) that outlines the next steps in the process!
  7. The Service Desk works with the supervisor (or designee) to ensure all necessary actions are completed as relevant to a separation or a new hire.

If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to contact your DASA Technology Strategic Partner for further consultation.

Updated on November 7, 2023

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