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SHRA Performance Appraisal Process (Revised 3/20/20)

Important Information for supervisors of SHRA employees:

The 2019-2020 performance appraisal cycle ends on June 30, 2020.

[alert type=”info”]Completed appraisals (with signatures) are due to DASA HR by Monday, August 17, 2020.  Please submit a hard-copy to your assigned DASA HR Partner.[/alert]

Rating Scale:  the performance appraisal process requires a rating for all individual and institutional goals.  The rating scale sets three levels of performance:

  • Exceeding Expectations (3)
  • Meeting Expectations (2)
  • Not Meeting Expectations (1)

Impact of Performance Deficiencies:  If an employee has an active disciplinary action that was issued during this performance appraisal cycle, then the employee shall receive a “Not meeting expectations” rating for the goal(s) cited in the action and shall not receive a final overall rating of “Exceeding Expectations”, regardless of the results achieved on other goals.  The disciplinary action shall be referenced in the annual performance appraisal document.  Please contact DASA HR before finalizing ratings if you have an employee with an active disciplinary action.

Transfers or Changes in Supervisor:  Receiving supervisors should complete the employee’s annual performance appraisal at the end of the cycle and incorporate the transfer review information received from the releasing supervisor, as warranted.  However, if an employee transfer or a change in supervisor occurs within the last 60 calendar days of the performance cycle, then the releasing/ending supervisor shall complete the annual performance appraisal for the employee and forward to the receiving supervisor.

Probationary or Time-Limited Employees:  Probationary or time-limited employees hired after October 1, 2019 shall have an extended performance cycle and will receive a first annual performance appraisal at the end of the next cycle (2021).  However, they should receive an off-cycle quarterly review in April 2020.

Separations:  If an employee separates from State employment prior to the end of the performance appraisal cycle (March 31), then an annual performance appraisal shall not occur, but the supervisor may choose to complete an off-cycle performance review at the time of the separation.

Recommended process should include:

  • Schedule a private meeting to review the employee’s performance on institutional and individual goals for the entire performance period.  The meeting should allow time for both the supervisor and employee to have an opportunity for discussion.
  • Document performance strengths – as well as any issues or opportunities for improvement, and the corrective strategies needed to resolve any concerns – on the employee’s appraisal.
  • The overall rating should take into account the individual’s overall performance, which includes the combination of scores from the institutional and individual goals.

2020-2021 Performance Cycle: Supervisor’s should prepare a new performance plan and meet with SHRA employees to review the plan by August 31, 2020.

DASA Human Resources is available for refresher training or consultation on specific performance management questions.

Additional resources are available from Employee Relations.