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Special Circumstance Review

The policies and practices put in place around COVID-19 are designed to help protect all members of the Pack. While the university is implementing safety practices and guidance for reactivating campus, special circumstances related to students, employees/employment, disability accommodations, and safety may arise that require additional review and guidance, such as:

  • Workplace Safety reasons related to COVID-19: use of face coverings, cleaning practices, modifications to workspace, vehicle use.
  • Student/Employee/Employment reasons related to COVID-19: remote work, childcare, eldercare, increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, in quarantine, ADA eligibility and accommodations.

Representatives from Environmental Health and Public Safety, University Human Resource, Disability Resource Office, and the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity can review and assist with resolving individual requests.  Please note that employees can first contact their supervisor to review needs and options.

Special circumstances request submissions may be made from the form on this page –

Should you have general questions or inquiries regarding the submission process, please contact:

  • University Human Resources at 919-515-2135
  • Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity at 919-515-3148
  • Disability Resource Office at 919-515-7653
  • Environmental Health and Public Safety at 919-515-7915