There is not a reliable defined amount of time it will take to have your machine shipped and received once it has been ordered. It can take anywhere from two business days to a few months for a computer, dock, and all peripherals to be shipped by the vendor, depending on the availability of the item being ordered. Upon making a purchase, DASA Tech can often indicate when the vendor’s estimated ship date will be. Once we receive your equipment, we then have to process the receipt of the device and configure it with the appropriate operating system and software before it can be deployed to you. Currently, we estimate deployment will take place one week from receipt of the item, though depending on urgency and volume of division-wide purchases, the exact turnaround time may vary. Your DASA Tech analyst will keep you apprised of shipping delays and turnaround times throughout the lifecycle of your request. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by replying to your open ServiceNow incident.
How long does it take to get my computer after it’s been ordered?
Updated on July 1, 2022