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Human Resources

SkillSurvey Reference Check Process

A new option for reference checks is now available.

A new (optional) reference check process via SkillSurvey is now available.  This new option from University HR is designed to make checking references as simple and efficient as possible. 

How it Works

  • SkillSurvey sends finalist candidates a survey link, which they use to input the names and contact information of their references. Candidates are required to submit five references, two being current or former supervisors, and three being peers or colleagues.
  • Once the candidate submits the information, a link to the survey will be sent to the references. The references will then complete the reference questions, and the confidential feedback on the candidates will be gathered in one report. 
  • Once all of the references have completed the survey, a report will be generated and provided to you that will assist in making a data-driven evaluation of each finalist candidate.

The questions in the survey are job-specific, behavioral-based, and are selected based on the position title that is inputted. There is no added work for the hiring official as the candidate is responsible for contacting and ensuring the references are completed. In addition, it allows for more honest feedback from references as the responses are anonymous. The responses to the surveys and ranking of candidates are based on a science / data approach – which also allows for a more confident hiring decision.

We are excited to have this new option for reference checks.  Please reach out if you are open to trying SkillSurvey.  The process would start simultaneous to the interviews and we can provide you with the process you should inform each candidate of near the time of their interview.  One important note is that you are required to place a candidate in “1st Tier” or “Interviewed” status before we can start the SkillSurvey process.  Updating candidate status is a critical step and is a best practice even when not required for Interim Reports. 

Our recommendation is that you notify candidates selected for final round interviews; a message template will be provided for convenience.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your HR Partner with questions or to utilize SkillSurvey.